Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum

Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum No. 48

Reevaluation of Thelecarcinus Böhm, 1891 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Raninoida: Paranecrocarcinidae)

Carrie E. Schweitzer, Hiroaki Karasawa, and Rodney M. Feldmann

Published: 2021/5/28   Page: 2125

Thelecarcinus Böhm is removed from Xanthoidea sensu lato and placed within the raninoidan family Paranecrocarcinidae Förster. Placement of the genus within the family confirms the North Atlantic and Tethyan range of the family in the Late Cretaceous and its occurrence in predominantly marl and carbonate environments.