Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum No. 2
Planning of the Exhibition of Mizunami Fossil Museum, Japan
- BMFM02-006Itoigawa et al., 1975(PDF 5.33MB)
Exhibition planning group of Mizunami Fossil Museum (Itoigawa et al., 1975a) print-version
Published: 1975/12/25 Page: 61–74, pls. 13–15
The process of the planning of the Exhibition of Mizunami Fossil Museum is summarized. The planning which started on the end of 1971 and finished on March 1974, is in conformity with a synthesis on geology and paleontology of the Mizunami area by Itoigawa (1960 and 1973). The exhibition is titled “Natural history of the area from the Miocene Epoch to now” and consists of a main exhibition (8 themes), a subordinate one (4 themes), a study corner and some open-air exhibits. Three replicas of Desmostylia are used as main and attractive exhibit settled at the front of the entrance to the exhibition room. Some plan figures and tables are shown. Postponed problems are pointed out.